Tag Archives: alive

inspired with confidence

How often are you encouraged?

In your work or even in your relationship with others when was the last time you heard a word of encouragement?

In your work or even in your relationship with others when was the last time you heard word of a critical nature?

What happens more often, words that are critical or words that are encouraging?

Encouragement is a moment of inspiration given to another that is both genuine and authentic.

What does encouragement say to you?

You matter

You are important

You have talent, capabilities and strengths

You have gifts

You have value, in self and in ideas

Encouragement is a source of hope.

For every criticism you receive you should get five words of encouragement.

So, what does encouragement do? Do you feel more secure when you are encouraged? Do you feel more confident when you are encouraged? Do you feel like you can take a risk when you are encouraged?

Today do something new – something that makes you feel alive – something that strengthens the core of who you are – something that will generate internal energy – what can you do, when will you start?