
For an informative look at coaching  take a look:

Where is the balance?

What is in it for me?

I want to make better decisions or at least decisions that I feel good about.

I want to know what do to?   There are too many choices?

I want to feel more confident and be more confident.

What is my purpose?

I want to change careers but I am not sure what I want to do next?

If those questions or statements are nagging for your attention then maybe you’d benefit from coaching.   Coaching is a remarkable process that helps people discover what they really want and then to develop the plans that allow them to reach their goals.

Are you interested in charting a path that will yield greater success or significance? This blog is about reaching new heights in your own journey. Increase your happiness, stretch and realize your goals today.  Don’t wait another day to make a difference in your life.  Let your life be the life you desire to have.

This is the blog of Dan Weigold, a personal personal development and empowerment  coach.

What do you want your signature to look like on your volume of life?

The theory is “You”.   Are you using your strengths?  Are you using your talents?   Are you as successful as you want to be?   Are you as happy as you want to be?   Are you as joyful as you want to be?   Are you answering “no” to those questions?   Would you like to change the “no’s” to “yes”?

If your life seems to be going in the wrong direction you  might want a coach. If you don’t have a burning desire, a passion worth telling people about you might desire a coach.

Do you feel like the world is rushing past you and you can’t jump on the train? Are you tired of feeling like the there is no purpose in your life?  If you answered, “Yes”, then you might need a coach.

Open that door, experience what living fully really means.

Start living life with intention!

For a complimentary coaching session  contact me at my website or send me an email at coachwithheart@gmail.com and ask the questions you’d like to ask and get the information you need.

If you are ready for a change then consider getting a coach to work with you to get the results you want.

Listen to a clip from Noomii.com about coaching

Process and methods

Personal life coach training from iPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching.  www.ipeccoaching.com)

Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner  (ELI-MP).     Think about your life, are you getting the results you want or desire?   Are you as successful as you’d like to be?    Are you tired of watching others get all the success and wonder where your success is?    Sometimes the lack of success is tied to our own personal energy level, how we show up, in life.    What would it mean to you to know what and how your level of consciousness is impacting your life?    Are you a victim to the circumstances you face?   Are you upset, angry or frustrated and just plain tired of feeling like everyone is out to get you?   If you are then the “Energy Leadership Assessment” is for you.   Find out exactly where your energy is going and then take charge and change it – move to a better place a more powerful and fulfilling life.

Leadership development (Master’s degree in Leadership)

Temperment Certified Professional in the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS-II) method.


1. Appreciative Inquiry/Coaching

2. Elements of “Theory U”, Prescencing, and change theory.

3. IPEC coaching methods.

4. Positive Pscyhology/Positivity/

5. Strengths determination and values

17 responses to “About

  1. After your email to me, I have come to this page. Sorry that I did not visit earlier.

    Let me compliment you on a great blog. I hope that you get a lot of traffic and clients.

    I personally am in my twilight years with my own little consultancy and mentoring career. I have retired from the corporate rat race after having reached CEO and board level appointments. I seriously believe that I have no more mountains to climb and my purpose in life is clearly identified and am on that path with full enthusiasm and vigor.

  2. Hi Dan, I really enjoy your blog posts. Please do not stop blogging.


  3. I love your site. Keep it up !

  4. Keep up the great work and posts Dan!!!!

  5. This is a great site Dan!

    Keep up the posts! 🙂

  6. Dan,
    I chanced upon your blog while doing research for relevant blogs to a new one I’m starting. I love what you have so far. Wishing you much joy with this blog and your coaching career!

  7. There is no one that doesn’t need this information to better improve their lives with direction and hope.

  8. Thanks Dan,
    Your blog is so encouraging and motivating. I just came across your blog and i am visiting it .

  9. I just found your page searching for “best year” and am so glad you popped up. Totally up my alley! Thanks!!

  10. Good stuff here. I like your posts, brief while profound. I’ll be tuning in.

  11. Great posts, Dan. Enjoyed my time reading through your wonderful words.

  12. Thanks for sharing!

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