Monthly Archives: June 2015

a summer challenge

“Tell me what you pay attention to and I will tell you who you are.”
José Ortega y Gasset

Stress.  It is an issue.

Stress is a result of a conflict with your values.   When you live a life that is inconsistent with what you value your emotional triggers are stirred.  At some point some issues presses you just hard enough.  You’ve had enough.

What do you value?

What are your values?

How would you write your value statements?

Are you honoring your values?   If not, why not?

When you experience more of what you want out of life then you’re likely living in a way that is consistent with what you value.   If there is something you value highly and you’re unable to satisfy that value then life isn’t going to be as good as you’d like it to be.

What is your level of stress?

What are you doing about it?

Master Your Stress