Monthly Archives: October 2014

ADHD Awareness month …

“Insecurities have the ability to shape and mold our minds to live with everything that’s bad; like crying on the inside, while smiling on the outside…thus creating pain…but, alas, I have the answer; forget about what you thought and enjoy (embrace) what you feel”
― Jeremy Aldana


There are a lot of adults with ADHD (Attention Deficit(Hyperactivity) Disorder) and it impacts every day of their life in ways that don’t always produce positive results.   ADHD is like looking at the stars … too many ideas, too many thoughts, and too many things forgotten.

People with ADHD are often very creative and intelligent and struggle with things like staying on task, staying focused, getting things done on time or just being organized enough to remember the next appointment.  In a world filled with distractions people with ADHD are over distracted and that can impact their work, their relationships and their sense of well-being.

Learning how to manage ADHD can improve the life of a person with ADHD.   Learning about ADHD can help the people without ADHD understand how ADHD impacts those with ADHD.

Between Oct 26 and Nov 1 there is a FREE virtual conference on ADHD that you can sign up and attend.   If you know of someone with ADHD then have them sign up and learn the latest in ADHD management strategies.

You can sign-up here REGISTER FOR THE VIRTUAL ADHD CONFERENCE.  Register today and find out ways to take charge of ADHD (for you or someone you know).

facing mighty challenges

“When you stand at the bottom of the mountain and look up at the mountaintop, the path looks hard and stony, and the top is obscured by clouds. But when you reach the top and you look down, you realize that there are a thousand paths that could have brought you to that place.”
― Roz Savage


You’ve come to a point in your life where the only way forward is over the biggest challenges you’ve ever faced.    What will you do?

Some people get stuck in the valley and stop.   Others stare into the past and reflect on what could have been and others retreat and take the path back from where they came.

To grow and to experience life fully requires that you chart a path towards your biggest challenges.  Face them head on.  Create a plan and move forward towards something bigger than what you have now.   Bigger doesn’t necessarily mean more material rewards, it means bigger life rewards.

What is it that you are dreaming to do?

The reward is on the other side of the mountain, the very mountain you need to climb.  Face the fear and start climbing.

Advance confidently – surrender

“Now is the only time you have. Change is happening. Give up your desire to control the world”
― Kelly Martin


How many times have you tried to take control of your life or someone else’s life and it just didn’t work?   Perhaps you took control of a project that you were working on and things didn’t turn out the way you expected.   In order for you to get the things you want you had to be in control and that worked until it didn’t.

The more you try to control things the less you really do.   Control is like pushing against a brick wall with the hope that it will soon give way to your urging.  The wall doesn’t move and you use up a lot of energy in the process.

The path to increased control is through surrendering.   Eliminating the need to control all aspects of your life will permit you achieve more in less time.   If you’re stuck in traffic and no one is going anywhere getting upset and desiring control won’t get you moving.  Surrendering your emotions to the moment allows you to have some peace even at zero miles per hour.

If control creates stress and it usually does when things aren’t going the way you want then as the stress increases your ability to think clearly and rationally decreases.  When stress moves into anger then even more of your cognitive abilities are compromised.  Releasing the anger and tension restores your ability to deal with the situation.  In other words you are surrendering to the moment to respond to the issue.

In some sense surrender means giving up your need to be right to accept the truth in the current circumstance.  More internal peace provides more positive energy to change plans, think more clearly, make better decisions and improves conflict outcome results.

Think about ways surrendering could help you lead a more satisfying life and see how you can advance confidently along your chosen path.