Tag Archives: future planning

where are you going?

“Man is not born perfect. He is born incomplete, he is born as a process. He is born on the way, as a pilgrim. That is his agony and his ecstasy, too; agony because he cannot rest, he has to go ahead, he has always to go ahead. He has to seek and search and explore. He has to become, because his being arises only through becoming. Becoming is his being. He can only be if he is on the move.”  Osho

Have you spent any time at all planning out what you’d like the next 10 years to look like?

What do you really want to happen?  Do you believe that you have the power, skills and abilities to create the future you want?

It’s time for your mid-year check-up.  It’s time to evaluate the progress you hoped to make.  It’s time to forge a new set of objectives if your current ones aren’t working for you.   Create a list of things you want to accomplish this year.

In what areas do you want to grow and improve?

Are you focused on exercise, diet, sleep and mindfulness?

  • How much sleep are you getting?
  • How is your diet?
  • How much exercise are you getting?
  • Relax, take a deep breath or a few and restore your energy.

Are you living the life you want to live?  Are you aligned with your purpose, goals and dreams?

Spend some time and check-in with yourself.  Journal some thoughts that you’ve had.  What is working?  What isn’t working?   Make the adjustments and finish the year strong.