Tag Archives: Learning

are you able?

Are you ABLE?

John Piper wrote a book called “Don’t waste your life”.     We only have once chance to make everyday excellent and that happens when we engage in the activities of the day.   


Attitude:  What is your attitude?  positive, optimistic, future facing, journey, risk accepting, happy, joyful, grateful, …

Belief:  Do you have confidence in your abilities?  Do you have the opportunity to use your talents and gifts most of the time?   Do you believe in yourself?

Learning:  Are you making a daily effort to learn more?  Perhaps it is learning about your strengths, your job or other tangible components of your life.   What are you learning that helps you become all that you were designed to be?

Engagement:  Are you actively participating in building the life you were intended to live?


No matter what happens in the circumstances of our lives we have exactly one chance to do the right thing.    How often have you read the story where the right thing to do was not the popular thing to do?   How often have you read about a sequence of events that turned tragic because the right thing wasn’t done? 

In many cases the right thing might be managing our attitude when life’s events are not favorable.   Our attitude sets the stage for everything else in our day.    Our attitude sets the stage for everything in our life.

Our attitude can be learned.   We can train ourselves to have the kind of attitude that creates opportunities rather than drowns them.   Attitude is a choice, a moment by moment choice but a choice nonetheless. 

“Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself.”   Robert Collier

Belief in yourself is the first step in creating a remarkable life.    For some people the words of others shaped their self-belief, either for the good or for the bad.  In many cases those words were not words of truth that helped the person grow and discover their possibilities, they were words that tried to injure and defeat. 

Everyone has skills and talents they can use.  Some people fear to use their talents because of the criticism that might follow.   

Restoring self-belief takes work, time and effort.   Start small and build your confidence in little steps.   Then after a few steps look at the progress you have made.  Celebrate the progress.  Believe that you can do more – you can.

“The wisest mind has something yet to learn.”  George Santayana (1863 – 1952)

Take the time to learn something new.   Learn something new daily, about yourself, about your world, about your work but learn something new daily. 

The world is changing far too quickly to neglect or put off learning.  Challenge yourself and challenge others make learning fun and beneficial.

Maya Angelou wrote, “love life, engage in it, give it all you’ve got. love it with a passion, because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it”

Engage fully in the life you are living.   Do life with intention.  Live life in full.  When you are engaged in life you are changing the circumstances around you.   You are creating possibilities for yourself.

Are you ABLE?