Tag Archives: neutral zone of life

living in the neutral zone

“There are no conditions to which a man may not become accustomed, particularly if he sees that they are accepted by those about him.”
― Leo Tolstoy

Have you spent any time examining where you are in your life?  What is your life like?  Is it exciting, rewarding and joy filled?   What is your life filled with?  Have you just stopped for a moment to ask yourself “What is my life like?”

If you are just making ends meet and finding your day consumed with time-consuming activities that are not rewarding then you may be living in the neutral zone.  You have the things that society says you should have.  Those things require a drip feed  of your monthly income.   The phone, TV, house, food, insurance, car, and a myriad of other expenses raid your bank account each month.  You do what you can do but at the end of the day it feels neutral.  It’s not bad and it’s not good, it just is what life is.   It’s not what you thought it would be like and at the same time it is what everyone else does, so it must be right.




Are you stuck in the neutral zone?

Some people are, many people are and life continues. Life becomes a treadmill to achieve which turns out to be a treadmill of advancing materialism and things. At some point people wonder if the walk on the treadmill of life has much meaning.

If you’re just getting by and are being consumed with the demands of life you might be in the neutral zone.   It could be better.