Tag Archives: Steve Jobs

are you obsessed with …

Autumn-76“You become what you think about all day long.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is your obsession?   What keeps you awake, powerfully awake?

Think about some powerful leaders who are obsessed with their goal.  Not just being passionate about their goal, obsessed with achieving their goal.  Think Elon Musk, obsessed with making Tesla succeed.  Steve Jobs was obsessed with making Apple the best at what it does.   Jeff Bezos and Amazon, there is an obsession behind those doors.

Game changers are more than just passionate about their dreams, they are obsessed with them.   Their drive makes those dreams come true.

So, what are you obsessed with?   What drives you each day beyond excuses and fears?   How often does fear enter your thoughts and drive back your dreams?  Are you just getting by or is there something you really want to do that is a game changer?

pro-cras-tin-ation … can’t it wait one more day?

“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”
Pablo Picasso

It can wait!

And it slips one more day, just one more day.  I still have time.

I’ll get to it … really I will.

I have time …

In just a few minutes …

What can wait?   What should wait?

It isn’t going to go away.

What is it that you are saying to yourself?   Can you wait another day?   Is it worth it to wait?

The thought of doing it is so painful at the moment that surely it can wait another day.   The energy it takes to even think about doing it now is too much.   Where is that energy going to come from?

At some point there is the shock of reality … it has to get done now and there are these other things that have to get done now too … now what?


What’s your deadline?

Live authentically

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”  Steve Jobs

Living true to your values is to live authentically.   To live authentically is a rare dream for many.  How many people who appear to have everything (materially) suffer immensely inside?

What does your life look like?  Are you living the authentic life that you were meant to live or are you living a tired worn out life?

Many people become trapped and live in a world where performance and results are the only things that matter and when they wake up from that nightmare they realize that the best part of life has passed.   How many people have told stories from their deathbed saying that they had wished that they had spent more time with their families and building relationships with others?   Are you one of those people who is going through life at 100 miles per hour striving for more and leaving behind those that really do matter?

What would your authentic life look like if you could live it out?

What needs to change to live your authentic life?