Tag Archives: choice

Coaching is for …

“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” John Wooden

You want results.

You desire something better.

You want a better job.

You want more time for yourself.

You can get those things.   A coach can help you achieve far more than you think you can.   Become more confident.  Become more resilient.

Why Coaching Works

You get results when you focus on achievement.    You get results when you have a plan that you are executing on a regular basis.   You have more time when you use your time to your advantage.   Opportunities come to you more often.   Start living the life you want to create for yourself.

Change starts when you give yourself a chance to change.

What are you waiting for?

What would help you most?


Get your life under control with Life Coaching

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, May 07, 2011 — Life and Business coach Dan Weigold will be appearing on the nationally broadcast show “The Balancing Act” May 11,2011 on Lifetime Television to talk about how coaching can be used to accelerate success, regain balance and produce greater happiness for working women.

Life and Business coaching has gained national recognition as a tool to help people manage the increased stress are experiencing in their lives, to help them discover what they truly want out their careers and lives.   Executive Coaching has been a mainstay for top level managers for years and now access to this high quality tool is available to anyone seeking positive change in their lives.  

Dan Weigold is a Personal Development and Empowerment coach at Coach with Heart works with people who desire to make significant change in their business or life.   Dan works with individuals or organizations that want to be able to integrate and process the amount of change that is occurring now so that they can be prepared for the future.

 To make an appointment or to find out more about coaching contact send email to coachwithheart@gmail.com or visit danweigold.com.  Those without internet access can call 719.660.1103

Dan Weigold, Coach with HEART has been serving clients since 2008 and is a member of the Denver Coaching Federation and the International Coaching Federation. 

The show airs 5:00am MDT, 6:00am EDT, PDT on Lifetime Television.

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Affirm someone

You matter.

You are important.

You make a difference.

Those are affirmations that you can say to yourself everyday.  

Susan Jeffers writes about affirmations in this little book.  It is a great place to start thinking about what you can be.

Affirmations start with our attitudes about others and ourselves.    I was reminded that self-talk/affirmations played an important role during the Holocaust. Viktor Frankl wrote, “We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms- to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” (Frankl, “Man’s search for meaning”, p. 86).

Attitude is about choice,  a choice we make, and a choice that is shaped by our affirmations.

For the better

What you focus on expands.

That is if you are thinking positive thoughts you will grow towards those positive thoughts and if you are thinking about things that go wrong you will necessarily bring yourself towards things that are negative as a consequence.

What do you think about most?   Do you think that you can?   Do you think you have amazing abilities, courageous character, magnificent manner, superior strengths, or honorable humility?

What is the predominant creative force in your life?   Do you use your creative force?

When we choose to be creative we choose something far grander than we imagine.  Robert Fritz writes, “Moreover, the entire quality of your life changes dramatically, from tragedy, drudgery, pain, tolerance, struggle, sameness, and boredom so often characteristic of life in the reactive responsive orientation to the excitement and adventure characteristic of life in the orientation of the creative.” (The Path of Least Resistance)

Fritz again writes, “When you examine reality with a preconceived idea of what you will find, you particularly notice those facts that reinforce your concept.”   This goes back to the idea what you focus on expands.  The confirmation bias that you hold causes you to look for things that affirm your ideas or bias.   Suddenly everything you see acts in synchronization with your ideas and beliefs – the world is in alignment with your beliefs right or wrong.   If you are thinking creatively – expanding your capacity to better yourself or the world, what you are focusing on will expand for the better.  

What do your focus on?   Creative forces or something else?